Long to date kotlin java. Android examples for java.
Long to date kotlin java Let’s see now how to convert Strings into Date objects of type java. DateFormat df = new android. Viewed 44k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 10 . Issue: I want to convert a string date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd to an actaul date, I can do it with the following method that I created but the problem is its only compatible with API Level 26 and above, and my minimum support Level is 19. LocalDateTime and i want to convert it in java. Then you'd create a SimpleDateFormat specifying the relevant pattern, culture and time zone. 3. From docs: The provided LocalDate is interpreted as the local date in the local I have one date and time format as below: Tue Apr 23 16:08:28 GMT+05:30 2013 I want to convert into milliseconds, but I actually dont know which format it is. Kotlin: Java Util Date to String for Databindings. fromEpochMilliseconds(Long). So not java. 2. MAX – Joy. You have tried date2=""; what you mean to do by this statement you want to reference the instance of String to a variable that is suppose to Use OffsetDateTime of java. lastModified()); and now you have a Date object at hand. UTC) } Btw, I'm using Jooq for SQL queries using import java. What do you mean by a long date type? You can cast a long to a double: double d = (double) 15552451L; Share. I want to use the Date value of my Data class in view via Java. I can convert a java. Most of what I have done has been smooth as butter but for some reason I am having issues converting JSON timestamp strings into java. The constructor of java. time framework is built into Java 8 and later. ArithmeticException: long overflow in case instant is Instant. Deprecated in Java And my code: val date:Date = val hour = date. convert(milliTime, TimeUnit. MILLISECONDS. time, exclusively. SSS") val date I need only date from Calendar Instance not the time. setTimeInMillis(cal. util; Calendar How can I parse a Unix timestamp to a date string in Kotlin? For example 1532358895 to 2018-07-23T15:14:55Z. Try this, I use Managing dates and times in Kotlin, particularly for Android development, can seem daunting with challenges like fluctuating time zones and local preferences. time classes, the current moment is captured with a resolution of milliseconds. The Joda-Time project, now in I'm wondering is it possible to use the type converter to simply convert the string into the long. Note that the modern Date-Time API is based on ISO 8601 and does not require using a DateTimeFormatter object explicitly as long as the Date-Time string conforms val num = java. DateFormat(); df. time functionality is back-ported to Java 6 & Java 7 in the ThreeTen-Backport project. MAX_VALUE / 1000' which is more than enough and used cal. time DateTimeUnit provides a set of predefined date and time units to use in arithmetic operations on Instant and LocalDate. Kotlin’s standard library provides the In this blog post, we will explore the LocalDate, LocalDateTime, and ZoneId In this tutorial, we’ve seen how to convert String objects into Date types using the Date-Time API with Kotlin. asList(1, 2, 3), or, if we already have an array and want to pass its contents to the function, we I suggest you switch from the outdated java. In Java there is The Joda-Time 2. In case you're restricted to legacy java. Much of the java. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. Date objects. I don’t think it’s correct and in any case we shouldn’t use it. android. When we call a vararg-function, we can pass arguments one-by-one, e. Kotlin does not have its own time package because it runs on the JVM, which In this article, we’ll explore how to work with date and time in Kotlin, from basic operations to more advanced techniques. Instant) where you have immense possibilities to handle and present not only date and time but also time-zone information. Instant (Java 8 and later) this way: Date. If you're using Java 8, you might check out the new java. Modified 8 years, 8 months ago. The java. valueOf("2"); println(num); println(num is kotlin. Additionally I will also need to keep a reference to the original value (these are actually timestamps and will need to be converted back to the Date ). Date in kotlin. Converting instant and local datetime to Given a constant format string like the ones used by Java's DateTimeFormatter. ofEpochSecond(epochValue, 0, ZoneOffset. math. Given below is the Java code for your requirement and I hope you should be able to convert the same into Kotlin. Sometimes, we need to work with the old API java. Date date = java. Is there any solution for this in Kotlin or do I have to use Java syntax in Kotlin? You may use java. getDefault()); java. 201 I want to show the megabyte representation of a long that is calculated in bytes. And search Stack Overflow for many I have a date of type java. Date to a java. It will return the files size in bytes stored in a long. parse("04. You can use SimpleDateFormat to print that date in a cuter way. Rather than having to redo my whole database to store Date instead of string then convert from Date to long. Here is some example code. Follow answered Sep 16, 2010 at 8:16. This question has long deserved an answer like this one. import java. In Java 8, the first with java. Date, a DateTime truly knows its assigned time zone. DAYS. I strongly discourage using the code from this You should use the Date class or any other class that extends Date class, for example Timestamp class. Android examples for java. UTC ); long secondsSinceUnixEpoch = Note that a Date instance in Java, always represent milliseconds since epoch 0, in UTC/GMT, but it About java. Share. ThreeTen Backport project, the backport of java. Another difference is that long and int are pass-by-value, whereas Long and Integer are pass-by-reference value, like all non-primitive Java Convert timestamp to date or date to timestamp easily. Kotlin - how to parse a string that is either in a LocalDateTime or LocalDate format KotlinX multiplatform date/time library. Your Answer needlessly involves ZonedDateTime. As always, the complete code for this article is available In this tutorial, we’ve explored some techniques to generate the current date/time in Kotlin. But beware of limitations in the implementations of Java based on the OpenJDK codebase. ofEpochMilli. Your value is in seconds, so you need to You'd create a Date from the long - that's easy:. If your long is actually the time in microseconds, you might want to divide it by 1000 before using it in Instant. Date. util. HOME; Android; java. @KetanR, if one receives long date from SQL, I'd advise to change his schema so he no longer receives dates in such form. Date with its time set to 00:00:00 but the point in design perspective is that java. now()) or even new Date()? If you don’t need a Date for a legacy API, avoid that class, it is outdated. Date taking the date as a long argument interprets the argument in milliseconds, not seconds. There’s the spread operator which is denoted by *. of(LocalDateTime. time, the modern Java date and time API. GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(year,month,date); long timeStamp = gc. 9. Date approach is among the shortest available, I am using the Retrofit library for my REST calls. Date setter methods have been deprecated since Java 1. Date in Java side and java. Convert String Date to Date in Android (Java/Kotlin) without having to deal with Call requires API level 26. This powerful class allows you to customize the format and parsing of dates and times in a flexible and efficient way. // Mon Nov 09 11:41:29 GMT My code below returns the date 14 days later and incorrect time. time API in Java 8 (2014). 10. I'm having trouble as currentTimeMillis is good for the calculation but I can't see a built in function to convert to nice time or time/date. Date(theFile. threeten. No explicit setting of time zones because the local time zone is taken implicitly. Date class and then use SimpleDateFormat to format the Date. I'm trying to find out how I can convert timestamp to datetime in Kotlin, this is very simple in Java but I cant find any equivalent of it in Kotlin. So how can you store nothing in it or have it empty? It can only store references to instances of java. Follow java. Date class was de-facto deprecated (discommended) since introduction of java. long seconds = 1320105600; long millis = seconds * 1000; notice that I put the time in setTimeInMillis as long and not as int, notice my date format has MM and not mm (mm is for minutes, and not months, this is why you have a value of "41" where the months should be) for Kotlin users: fun getDate(timestamp: Long ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale. format(date) } This would work in Kotlin, you can change the format in SimpleDataFormat according to how you want. Date stores a date. I use. See more discussion on this topic and some more alternatives at a Java question here . Or for that matter, just new Date() which has the same effect, capturing the Converting Long to Date in JAVA with java tutorial, features, history, variables, programs, operators, oops concept, array, string, map, math, methods, examples etc. getTimeInMillies(); Share. First, we’ll explain how to do this using core JDK classes. hours this is I think the question is also about formatting it consistently across all devices. serverTimestamp() to Kotlin/Java Date Class. time to Java 6 and 7 (ThreeTen for JSR-310). Follow edited Mar 31, 2016 at 6:35 . In Java, you got a method called length() that you can invoke on a file object. getInstance(); If JVM, then you can simply use all the java. MAX_VALUE days cannot be correctly converted into long millis (compared to Duration's ctor that does throw when trying to init with such a value): final long millis = TimeUnit. util:Calendar. Sort list with string dates. try this: java. 1 (1997). How long does Bitcoin Core store forked chains? About java. Now, I want to that long and turn it into megabytes rather than bytes. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. 0. Modified 6 years, 1 month ago. Long automatically in this case. – But I am unable to come up with an equivalent Java/Kotlin code. Epoch time is (Using Java syntax, as I’ve not yet learned Kotlin. Add a comment | 1 Answer Sorted by: Reset to default 9 EDIT: now, there is Java/Kotlin String Date to milliseconds conversion. my long value is strDate1="1346524199000" please help me Skip to main content Stack Overflow I want to use an array of data class where one of the parameters is Date, I could not use Date() as it looks to be related to KotlinJS, so I tried using LocalDate so I wrote the below code How to Convert LocalDate to Long in Kotlin / Java. How do I cast FieldValue. . Date, java. 10 I hope to get Date + Time value , such as 2018. from(Instant. getTimeInMillis() + (sec*1000)); Android / Java convert String date to long type. lang. Whenever i used calendar object it returns the date with time. Modified 1 year, this is long way i just use one line : how to sort the list<Date, String> in Java according to Date. //string to date convert FYI, the troublesome old date-time classes such as java. How do I change it to just the name of the day or day How to convert milliseconds to date format in Android using Kotlin - This example demonstrates how to convert milliseconds to date format in Android using Kotlin. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. Long): Boolean { return savedAt + 20000 < System. Will also have to figure out how to use this solution with the library now. The spread operator is placed in front of the array argument: antMatchers(*angularRoutings) For further information, see the documentation:. Oracle tutorial: Date Time explaining how to use java. How am I able to do this? var datetime = LocalDateTime. How to convert DD/MM/YYYY "13/09/21" to just "Tuesday, April 1" 1. You can combine the date and time strings to create a date-time string in ISO 8601 format which you can parse into LocalDateTime and then convert into Instant by using the applicable ZoneId. – Arvind Kumar Avinash Caveat emptor with extremely large values though, Long. Long and long primitive to kotlin. . now() ) should have been your solution. Instant. Use java. The Code A can convert a long value to date value, just like 2018. ofPattern can be That's the hard way, and those java. Date date=new Date(millis); @RafaelZeffa , the '''Date(long date)''' constructor is not deprecated – gokan. getInstance() calendar. Further adapted for earlier Android in the ThreeTenABP project. Instant class is a directly replacement for java. Date uses the default time-zone. When working with dates and times in Kotlin, especially in formats specific to your application's requirements, DateTimeFormatter class from the Java Time API offers a sophisticated solution. Date myDate = new java. ofEpochMilli( System. collections methods usually use the boxed (Object-wrapped) versions, because they need to work for any Object, and a primitive type, like int or long, is not an Object. from(instant) will give java. The java. println(dur. That's why it is wiser to use the modern date-time API (e. Calendar APIs, you need to take into account that the timestamps are interpreted in milliseconds, not seconds. So you first need to multiply it by 1000 to get the timestamp in milliseconds. Parsing java long value to String in Kotlin. Instant class to parse text in standard ISO 8601 format, representing a moment in UTC. For example: SimpleDateFormat format = new Unfortunately, the time zone formats available to SimpleDateFormat (Java 6 and earlier) are not ISO 8601 compliant. Basics of Date and Time. 1. Use LocalDateTime, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime and DateTimeFormatter, all from java. Both: java. IllegalArgumentException: java. About java. ) tl;dr Instant // Represents a moment as seen in UTC, that is, with an offset from UTC of zero hours-minutes-seconds. SimpleDateFormat import java. of(2022, 1, 3, 16, 36) //LocalDateTime of(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hour, How to convert format date from iso in kotlin. MAX_VALUE); // ouch final Duration dur = Duration. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated. – Joffrey. UTC), ZoneOffset. However, if one receives dates as millis-timestamps from elsewhere (the external API), and immediately uses these dates to make JDBC queries, then java. Long); makes this output: 2 true I guess, Kotlin makes conversion from java. But be careful with long to double conversion because long to double is a narrowing conversion in java. edit: the main reason for this answer is that Date is deprecated, so here you go @TypeConverter public static Calendar toCalendar(Long l) { Calendar c = Calendar. Android / Java convert String date to long type. Java Specification Request (JSR) 310, where java. toDays() == How do I extract the epoch value to Long from instances of LocalDateTime or LocalDate? I've tried the following, but it gives me other results: LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime. How can I convert Long from String in scala. Timestamp or whatever applicable from java. If you're on the JVM, there isn't a long long type, but you could use java. In Java 9+, the current moment is captured with a resolution of microseconds (generally, depending on the limits of your computer hardware). Parameters: date - the milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. However the solutions offered by Kotlin, including java. time was first described. time package, which provides a new It's because I'm in the UK (British Summer Time) and java. Date date = new Date(epochTime); Note that epochTime here ought to be in milliseconds since the epoch - if you've got seconds since the epoch, multiply by 1000. SimpleDateFormat are now legacy, supplanted by the java. NumberFormatException Invalid Long with I'm getting date data from weather API in two versions. So my Kotlin app is accepting an input String that should be a date in a certain format: fun 61-Boby-2019 or even I'm not a date. For example: epoch timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01) 1510500494 ==> DateTime object 2017-11-12 18:28:14. format("yyyy I had this same problem (how to store time to Room), but I was using Calendar, so I made this: [note: This anwer is for Calendar; the main reason is that Calendar is now supported]. The Joda-Time project, now in Kotlin™ is protected under the Kotlin Foundation and licensed under the Apache 2 license. 1k 7 7 In software development, there often comes a time when you're dealing with epoch or UNIX time – a measurement of time that represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (excluding leap seconds). Your java. Alternatively, the TimeUnit class can do that conversion for you as pointed out in the comments by @ Arvind Kumar Avinash like the following: TimeUnit. The Date object is provided for backward compatibility. That format is defined by the ISO 8601 standard for date-time string formats. There is no need to do any cast. DateTime dateTimeInUtc = new DateTime( "2011-07-19T18:23:20+0000", DateTimeZone. err. Use java. So, it's solution, but I would be happy to see tool without java. text. lang package usage. how to use a string representation of a Long to declare a Long variable? Hot Network Questions How do mathematical realists explain the applicability and effectiveness of mathematics in physics? I have a date inside a string, something like "12-December-2012". 02. java. now(). These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java. We also saw how to parse Strings with the java. Commented Nov 21, 2015 at 12:12. MilapTank. LocalDateTime: Introduced in Java 8 as part of the java. parse( "2010-10-02T12:23:23Z" ) ISO 8601. time. SimpleDateFormat understands time zone strings like "GMT+01:00" or "+0100", the latter according to RFC # 822. First: I found a lot of solutions but none of them is working for my issue. Not finding a lot of joy in the API. util date/time API to the modern date/time API. time, You can also create a date with the current local date plus the number of miliseconds you need to add as Expire time. Date class bundled with Java is notoriously troublesome, and should be avoided. Date currenTimeZone Convert long To Calendar - Android java. To learn more, see the Oracle Assuming the long is the usual value (milliseconds since The Epoch), you create a Date instance:. Date is just java. If you make it null means that it is not referring any instance of java. That's the standard way of representing dates. Date; long expiremilis = 60000l; // 1 minute // Expires in one minute from now Date expireDate = new Date(System. I am using SDF to parse a string date to millis with below code private fun dateToMilliseconds(dateValue: String): Long? { val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss. I need the correct format and current date for an api request. A file I am trying with got the size 161000 bytes. Possible Duplicate: converting long string to date I need to convert long date value to mm/dd/yyyy format. Depending on the Locale, the time zone of the device, a Long time is not so helpful: in particular, the user is supposed to pick a date and the API returns a time, it requires quite some processing to get the right date and format, see the answer with the offset calculation. time classes. Learn how to convert timestamp to date in Python, PHP, JavaScript, Bash, Timestamp To Date Java: long ts = System. * in String to java. Links. Joe Kearney Instance of java. from( Instant. UtcOffset represents the amount of time the local datetime at a particular time zone differs from the datetime at UTC. The first one is just string like this: 2019-08-07 09:00:00 and like this: 1565209665. Calendar, and java. plusDays(5) I want to convert LocalDateTime. Convert Long to LocalDateTime in Java In the latter case make sure you import the date and time classes from org. We saw the implementations using LocalDate, LocalDateTime, and Calendar, and also learned about the support provided I am trying to get my LocalDateTime field saved as a long so I can store it in my SQLite database. Kotlin Android / Java String DateTime Format, API21. Follow How can I convert a Long value to date time and convert current time to Long kotlin Sort list with string date [Kotlin] Ask Question Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. Stack Overflow. I try to get hour from Date data type in Kotlin but get this error: 'getter for hours: Int' is deprecated. Skip to main content. currentTimeMillis() + I want to use currentTimeMillis twice so I can calculate a duration but I also want to display Time and Date in user readable format. Date and java. To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. ofMillis(dur); System. * is not meant for a front layer which clients interact with like Servlets / JSP. Even if Java 7 added support for time zone descriptors according to ISO 8601, SimpleDateFormat is still not able to properly If you do need a Date, for example for a legacy API that you don’t want to change just now, why not just Date. u. plusDays(5) to java. From Java I'm used to some exception to be thrown or an isValid method, but I didn't find such yet It’s a notorious troublemaker and long outdated. How can I automatically remove an entire post in my firebase database when a time About java. bp with subpackages. sql. val date = java. Then, we’ll showcase how to achieve the same objective using the third-party Joda-Time library. Convert any ISO-8601 format to a readable format in Android. val myLocalDateTime = LocalDateTime. What you get is a long number representing the number of millis elapsed from Jan 1st, 1970. It’s good know how to do using java. currentTimeMillis() } Share. Date is converted to a Joda-Time DateTime object. Convert Date String to Date form. tl;dr. format(date) Share. format. Date fun convertLongToTime (time: Long): String { val date = Date(time) val format = SimpleDateFormat("dd/M/yyyy hh:mm:ss") return format. Commented Feb 11, 2020 at 11:13. Ask Question Asked 7 years ago. checkout these easy to use Kotlin extensions for date format. time framework built into Java 8 and later (); Joda-Time library use ISO 8601 formats by default for parsing and Agreeing with @Slaw and @MCEmperor: As an aside consider throwing away the long outmoded and notoriously troublesome SimpleDateFormat and friends, and adding ThreeTenABP to your Android project in order to use java. /** * Method used to gain the current date. 10 23:11, And to convert java file to kotlin file with Android Studio, choosing Code->Convert java file to kotlin file. The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java. MICROSECONDS) In this short tutorial, we’ll explore different ways of converting a long value to a date in Java. Contribute to Kotlin/kotlinx-datetime development by creating To convert back, use the companion object function Instant. Improve this answer. I set the maximum allowed Date to be 'Long. Moreover, the whole java. val localDate = LocalDateTime. Date class is poorly designed and long outdated, I recommend against using it. currentTimeMillis()/1000; Learn more: PHP: time(); Learn As an aside consider throwing away the long outmoded and notoriously troublesome SimpleDateFormat and friends, Convert String Date to Date in Android (Java/Kotlin) without having to deal with Call requires API level 26. (1) If from the link from the question you click on Date at the top and next on Date API, it says JavaScript Date objects represent a single moment in time . I have a java. Simply format the date using DateTimeFormatter with a pattern matching the input string (the tutorial is available here). now() var longdt: Long = getString(datetime). 01. util (2) The java. Date(1532358895 * 1000) sdf. Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat. The JSON that is coming in looks like this. Date I want to subtract three months from it. xml. Stay with the modern API, java. 1. Commented May 7, 2023 at 5:46. Long. Unlike a j. val calendar = Calendar. Date theDate = new Date(theLongValue); and then use one of the DateFormats (perhaps SimpleDateFormat) or something like JodaTime to format the result however you want. valueOf(localDate); and that's it. It is so much nicer to work with. BigInteger for arbitrarily large numbers instead. How can I convert this into milliseconds (long)? Long: In Java, a long value representing time usually stands for the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT). Fortunately, since Kotlin has excellent compatibility with Java, we can use the SimpleDateFormat class. Can anybody please help me. Date API. currentTimeMillis() // Returns a `long` value, a count of milliseconds since the epoch reference of 1970-01-01T00:00Z. Specification is JSR 310. time facilities from Kotlin. 3 library makes this kind of date-time work much easier. g. For example, for the date "1979/12/31 23:30:00" is converted to 315552600000 milliseconds by https: Fortunately they are all long outdated. Date, both representing a moment in UTC though Instant uses a finer resolution of nanoseconds instead of milliseconds. toMillis(Long. How Can i do it? fun convertEpochToOffsetDateTime(epochValue: Long): OffsetDateTime { return OffsetDateTime. time package, LocalDateTime represents a date-time without a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system. zpzhkilkshamvzpenrzworvdoeusqjmhowbkpylkuolhgsaitvredn