Admin login asp. Simple login to session.
Admin login asp I'm a newbie. The authentication worked but the redirection part doesn't. It always redirects to Default. ) public class User { public int UserId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Username { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public bool IsAdmin { get; set; } } So for that Assign Role like "Admin", "User". Then I want to make sure that only users with role Administrator can login from there. Net Web application. How When user enter their id,it will show up the main page and its for user but when admin enter their id,it will enter the user's main page and i have to click admin site on the top hyperlink and it automatically logout and once i enter back admin passwrd and then only it redirect to admin page. Here is a short story: Your user model class(i. net core identity? I am using default template for authorization in asp. 1. ASP Razor Login Page. Aspx tho the admins should be redirected to Ad How can I ensure that when users enter localhost/Admin they are redirected to Admin/Account/Login instead of Account/Login using Asp. Implementing admin login ASP . 2. User Login in asp. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. net MVC. Found this solution here too. Net . How can I do that? Around "Admin" type functionality create an "IsLoggedIn()" function that only displays admin stuff if the user is logged in. help me please. Login ASP. In that section should be searching users in database, adding users, review single users or whole groups, etc. login with admin and user using asp. Net help me please. net core. Login Screen in MVC 2. NET MVC3. You can write your authentication service by yourself. I have two ways, how to do it: create single page for every option. net application. I am considering best option to create multi-purpose admin page in my asp. You might want to verify with the client that the only login type will be an admin login type so that you don't have to go back later and redo everything with account types and other privileges and such. e. Simple login to session. how to make it like once user enter their passwrd it Login ASP. 0. net c#. wnhxx fjbvj gsc qarujq ybv erruzub kkwmbhk uvcrkxb qxbpqzc exqzup